Fairmont State University Policies

Academic Integrity

Fairmont State values highly the integrity of its student scholars. All students and faculty members are urged to share in the responsibility for removing every situation which might permit or encourage academic dishonesty. Cheating in any form, including plagiarism, must be considered a matter of the gravest concern. Cheating is defined here as: the obtaining of information during an examination; the unauthorized use of books, notes, or other sources of information prior to or during an examination; the removal of faculty examination materials; the alteration of documents or records; or actions identifiable as occurring with the intent to defraud or use under false pretense. Plagiarism is defined here as: the submission of the ideas, words (written or oral), or artistic productions of another, falsely represented as one's original effort or without giving due credit. Students and faculty should examine proper citation forms to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.

Disability Services

Disability services are available to any student, full or part-time, who has a need because of a documented disability. It is the student's responsibility to register for disability services and to provide any necessary documentation to verify a disability or the need for accommodations. Students must provide their professors with a copy of their academic accommodation letter each semester in order to receive accommodations. Faculty, students, and the Office of Disability Services must cooperate to ensure the most effective provision of accommodations for each class.

The Office of Disability Services is located in suite 316 of the Turley Student Services Center 333-3661. For additional information, please visit the Fairmont State University Office of Disability Services webpage at www.fairmontstate.edu/access or call (304) 333-3661.

Tobacco Free Campus

Fairmont State University is a tobacco and vape-free campus.

Violence and Harassment

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex, gender and gender identity are Civil Rights offenses subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, etc. If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you can find the appropriate resources at http://www.fairmontstate.edu/adminfiscalaffairs/human-resources/title-ix-institutional-compliance-and-integrity-reporting-and-complaint-procedure; by calling 304.367.4386; or by emailing [email protected].