Contract Grading

What is Contract Grading?

This is a contract graded course. This means that, as a graduate student, you decide what grade you will work towards over the course of the semester. You can always renegotiate your grade at any time during the semester.

You will be provided with a single point rubric for each major Performance of Understanding. The rubric provides the requirements for satisfactory graduate-level work. I will provide feedback for you on the areas in which you exceeded and areas of concern. If your work does not meet the satisfactory level, you may revise and resubmit your work within one week of receiving feedback.

The requirements for a grade of C, B and A are outlined below. Note that "A student may earn only two grades of C in all graduate courses, and remain eligible for graduation" (Academic Policies for Graduate Students). Contracting for a C is not recommended if you are working towards a degree.

Getting the Graduate Credit: C

This option is mainly for students who are not working towards a degree. If you believe that at any point you may seek a masters degree, you should contract for a B or an A.

  • Complete readings.
  • Post your responses to the following intermediate performances for each unit in a timely1 manner:
    • Tip of Your Iceberg
    • Making Connections
    • Looking Back, Looking Ahead
  • Respond to at least two other students' postings on the above intermediate performances.
  • Respond to at least one response to one of your original postings in each of the above intermediate performances. Engage in dialogue, that's how we learn ;-)
  • Complete the Qualitative Ego-Centered Social Network Analysis Multi-Unit Culminating Performance.
  • Complete the Learning Community Reflection.

Meeting Expectations: B

Meet all the requirements for a C, plus:

  • Complete the Community Analysis Multi-Unit Culminating Performance.

Above and Beyond: A

Meet all the requirements for a B, plus:

  • Complete the Community Building Plan Multi-Unit Culminating Performance.
1. Timely means well before the posted end of the unit, with plenty of time for fellow students (and the professor) to respond to your postings.