Become a Scholar by Building Your Metacognitive Skills

Metacognition means thinking about thinking. Being aware of your own thinking will help you learn more and help you succeed throughout your college career. It is also something that I hope you will help your own students develop when you are a teacher. Metacognition happens in part through (1) setting goals, (2) being intentional about your effort, and (3) reflecting on your learning.

There are a number of activities that we will do on an ongoing basis to help you build your metacognitive capacity, including:

  • Warm-Up and Check-Out activities during each class;
  • Reading Connections activities during class about once a week, to help you make sense of and bring in the assigned readings for each week;
  • Design Challenges for you to develop interesting approaches to educational problems;
  • Reflection Tweets allow you to make sense of your learning experiences and gives me a sense of what you are taking away from the class.

What each of these activities look like will be discussed in class as we encounter them. As these activities are one of the ways I will take attendance, you will not be able to "make up" these activities if you miss class.