EDUC2201 Syllabus

Welcome to EDUC2201, Teaching with Technology. This document is the syllabus1 for the course. We will be exploring the different ways that technology can be used to support learning, understanding, and creativity in the classroom or in other types of learning environments. We will be paying special attention to the role that you play as facilitator and intentional designer of materials and of the environment to encourage learning, understanding, and creativity.

"Teaching is two-parts planning, one-part reflection, and extra heavy on the experimentation." ~ Rebecca Alber

"It seems to me that that, finally, is what good teaching is all about.... Somehow or another, skill and knowledge are integrated into some kind of a human connection." ~ Mike Rose

Get to Know Your Professor

Name: Dr. Jeremy Price
Office: Education 315
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 304.333.3686
Hobbies: Reading, Hiking, Coding, Gardening

Psst: Email is the best way to contact me.

Visit me during my student drop-in hours:

Day Morning Afternoon
Mondays 11:00am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Wednesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Fridays 11:00am - 12:00pm ~ By Appointment ~

If you can't make my student drop-in hours, schedule an appointment with me at

1What is a syllabus? The syllabus is your map for success in this course. It provides you with the course practices and expectations, a schedule for readings and assignments, and a breakdown of the points you can earn in the class. If you print it out, put your syllabus in your binder and bring your syllabus with you to class everyday.